Become a true supporter and grab your club merchandise now through our Spreadshirt shop. A small portion of your total expenditure will be forwarded to the club.

While the Spreadshirt shop is always open and stocked, we sometimes order merchandise in bulk. If you are interested in a beanie or something like that and wanna be part of the next order: contact us.


Purchase essential team equipment for our matches like shorts, socks and track suits through our partner store. All prices include a 40% club discount.

The AFLG signed an outfitter contract with the sporting goods
manufacturer UHLSPORT. In the course of this partnership, there are also great offers for the clubs. So every club has the possibility to offer its own product range in an online store.

The Frankfurt Football Club e. V. have various products including our logo on the shirts, pants and so on, available with exclusive offer prices when using the following link

The board wishes a lot of fun while shopping.